Kathryn Anderson joins Cube Group as a partner
Melbourne-based public sector consultancy Cube Group welcomes Kathryn Anderson as a partner. She becomes the firm’s fifth partner.
Anderson brings more than three decades of experience in the Victorian and Queensland public services landscape to the consultancy. Most recently, she was the Deputy Secretary of Corporate Services at the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP).
During her time at the department, Anderson developed its Community Charter to put the community at the centre of the department’s work and played a key role in the establishment of Solar Victoria, an entity that is responsible for the delivery of the Victorian Government’s Solar Homes Program – one of the most ambitious renewable energy programs in Australia. Over a 10-year period, the program aims to help 770,000 homes install solar panels or solar hot water systems.
If all goes according to plan, then Solar Victoria will account for an eighth of Victoria’s 40 per cent target for renewable energy by 2025.
In other roles at DELWP, Anderson helped the department build a high performing organisation, and championed its efforts to become a diverse, inclusive and gender-equal workplace.
Previously, she served as Director of Victorian Youth Services and Youth Justice and Deputy Secretary of Community and Executive Services at the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services, where she designed and implemented the Youth Support Service, an early intervention program to help young people at risk of entering the youth justice system. She also held several positions across the Queensland Public Service, including roles with Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.
Per August 1st, Anderson is a partner in at Cube Group's Strategy, Policy and Change practice. She joins fellow-partners Ben Schramm (managing partner), Rob Camm, Laura Mahoney and Andrew Campbell – together they lead a team of 20 or so consultants and staff.
“I’m delighted to have chosen Cube Group to pursue this next stage of my career. It is an organisation with a genuine commitment to public value, and a team that works in a spirit of partnership with their clients. Cube Group provides me with an opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the table on diverse projects and across many sectors of our economy.”
“Kathryn’s insights will be instrumental in helping our clients tackle some of our nation’s most unprecedented social, economic and environmental challenges,” said Schramm, who founded the consulting firm eighteen years ago.